Festival of the Harvest Moon: A D&D Starter Adventure

Sale price$40.00
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The Festival of the Harvest Moon is a beginner friendly short adventure designed to get your campaign off the ground!

With the Harvest Moon Festival rapidly approaching, all sorts of interesting people have arrived from far and wide to revel in the celebrations. With the famous festival about to get underway, the adventurers party and feast in the joyous fiesta. The fun is cut short as disaster strikes when devious Kuo-Toa capture villagers for their schemes... 

This is a short campaign that acts as a starter adventure designed to get your campaign off the ground. The players get a chance to meet the villagers and enjoy themselves in the games and celebrations of the harvest moon, then conduct an investigation into what happened at the Magic Show! This fun, mystical adventure will take your players all the way from levels 1 - 3. Setting your players up for further adventures, simply run this campaign as a long one-shot or as the beginning of your own homebrew campaign. 

Festival of the Harvest Moon is the perfect small story for beginners & experienced dungeon master's to get their campaign off the ground without all the planning and work that goes into that. Get straight into the fun in this light hearted story designed for low levels. Packed with Mystery, Magic & Madness as you celebrate the end of the Harvest Season! 

What is in the book? 

  • 50+ Pages of Adventure
  • 3+  Original Magic Items 
  • 2 Level One Stories that can be played as one shots or different introductions
  • 5 Original Festival Themed Mini Games & Stands 
  • Original Battle Map for Magic Show Tent
  • Original Festival Stands & Shops with Custom Items with Prices  
  • Fleshed Out NPC's with Hand Drawn Artwork 
  • An original Demon monster stat block, with special abilities and mechanics, fit for players level 3
  • Villains and Expanded Kuo-Toa Monsters with Stat Blocks
  • Celebrate the Harvest Moon with Thematic Story 
  • Hand Drawn styled Town Map
  • Loads of original, non-AI, hand drawn digital art pieces (Monsters, NPCs, Magic items, etc.)
  • And much more...

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