Bea Adventure at Baylands

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Join us for an epic Dungeons & Dragons adventure at Baylands Brewery - it's gonna be a night of dice rolling and brews! 

It all starts in a Tavern and that’s also true of Bea Adventure! It’s time to come together, meet with fellow hero’s to save the world against foul monsters and evil enemies … all with a beer in hand.

In cahoots with Baylands Brewery, Bea DnD Games, the premium gaming store based in Wellington, are running a night of adventure at 6.30pm on the last Thursday of each month!

Whether you have played D&D before many times or never, all hero’s are welcome to come along. Our professional Dungeon Masters are skilled in helping you have a great experience as you learn and still providing a challenging encounter for all the adventurers who have fought many battles before.

Dungeons & Dragons in a real tavern. It’s the event Wellington has been waiting for. 

Be a Hero with Bea Adventure!

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2 products