Vampire: The Eternal Struggle is a card game in which you take on the role of an ancient vampire --- a “Methuselah”. For thousands of years you have lurked in the shadows of human societies, manipulating mortals and younger vampires. Your hunger for power knows no bounds, and you use whatever means possible to weaken your enemies, from subtle mischief to frontal assault. You must increase your influence and destroy the other Methuselahs one by one, before they destroy you.
The vampires of Clan Nosferatu are the creeping horrors of the night. Called “Sewer Rats” by some, they hide their grotesque appearance in the dark, using animals as spies and guards. They often take a passive part in The Eternal Struggle, but when they attack, they do so with immense force – their enemies never know what hit them.
This deck starts slowly, building a domain with animal servants and other precautionary measures. You scare off early aggressors or lay traps for them. When the time is right, your vampires strike your enemies’ weak spots with their Potence and Animalism powers. Establish control over the game and put down your rivals one by one.
This is a deck with 77 library cards and 12 crypt cards, ready for play out of the box or customizable with other Vampire: The Eternal Struggle cards.
Crypt: (12 cards)
1 Aunt Linda
1 Baixinho
2 Belinde
1 The Dowager
1 Horace Radcliffe
2 Larissa Moreira
2 Lenny Burkhead
1 Ryan
1 Wauneka
Library: (77 cards)
1 Fame
1 Guardian Angel
1 Haven Uncovered
1 The Labyrinth
1 Rebel
1 Slum Hunting Ground
1 Smiling Jack, the Anarch
1 Warsaw Station
4 Vessel
4 Creeping Sabotage
6 Deep Song
2 Preternatural Strength
2 Underbridge Stray
2 Murder of Crows
2 Raven Spy
4 Lost in Crowds
2 Carrion Crows
4 Immortal Grapple
8 Roundhouse
4 Taste of Vitae
4 Cat’s Guidance
4 Guard Dogs
4 Instinctive Reaction
5 On the Qui Vive
4 Protected District
4 The Warrens
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