A sourcebook for orcs & goblinoids. 400+ pages of races, subraces, classes, subclasses, feats, monsters, magic items and lore! (DnD 5e)
Have you ever wanted to play a Goblin, or an Orc in Dungeons & Dragons and found that most of the existing sourcebooks for the game, settings and materials lack the player options and lore you need to play them in general?
The core game simply assumes that everyone instinctively knows what an Orc is, and leaves it at that. Many players who grow out of the traditional races like the Dwarves or the Elves take their first steps into the wilderness with the story options that the races like the Goblinoids and the Orcs provide. To play these, you mostly have to modify the content that’s been previously written for the other races. This book aims to end this misery.
Book of Conflict: Brutal Races -Orcs & Goblinoids brings you a comprehensive and creative sourcebook to help you include the Goblinoid, the Orcs and more in your games.
Each race in this book gets multiple pages of lore about their characteristics, culture and religion. All of them get renewed mechanics and also each race gets 6 new subraces for you to choose from. This book, when combined with other options, provides any player or Dungeon Master with hundreds of different fun choices to play with.
Each race in this book will get a detailed pantheon of gods and their intertwined history with their races because the Brutal Races have more intervention in their lives from their gods than the civilized races. Their actions, decisions and fates are shaped by their gods in their image and in turn, they shape their gods back with their belief. All the conflicts, rebellions, skullduggery and more of many pantheons will be given in the book.
The angry and ferocious Orcs come from different upbringings. The upbringings are subrace options that you will choose what religion your tribe followed when you grew up. Even if you may not follow the same deity or even a pantheon at all, their teachings and lifestyle rubs off on you. We will detail the Orcs, the religion’s extremely important role in their life, their pariah status among the other races and their constant struggle against survival with their potent aggressiveness.
You may have been brought up as a Zealot of Shazvor in a Pureblood Orc tribe, you might have accepted the benign tenets of Lemertel as a Sanctuary Orc, or you could have lived in the harsh wilderness with the other followers of Nauctmor as a Thunderborn Orc.
This book provides extensive lore for these shifty runts that have a sinister agenda all the time. Detailing their tumultuous lives and carefree religious beliefs. The castes are subrace options that you will choose what your tribe did to survive in the wilderness. This will allow you to select from 6 different subrace options.
You can be a Muzzler that can ally with the beasts like bats, rats or wolves, you can be a Snakefoot that lives in the slums or cities and robs people, or you can be a Jackass who gains confidence and power as you get closer to death.
For the disciplined and martially governed Hobgoblins, you will get to select what kind of a settlement you are from. This includes what size of the settlement that you are raised in and your social status among your kin. The settlements are subrace options that you will choose derived from the size and purpose of your settlement.
You can be a Castellan Hobgoblin who demands respect from other people, you can be a sword for hire from the Mercenary Hobgoblins who have honed their combat skills in battle, or you can be an outlandish Tribal Hobgoblin with the skills to survive in the wilderness as well as extensive battles.
For the burly and sneaky Bugbears, there are 6 types of tribes that will shape what kind of a character you are. The type of the tribe is extremely important for the future of a Bugbear so that it is etched into their beings and souls altogether.
You can be a savage warrior from the Wolverine Tribe that wields terrifying weapons or you can be a gentle giant of the Mammoth Tribe living in civilization, proving yourself with your strength, or you can be a part of the Lupine Tribe that protects and guides nature in a given area.
We also provide 8 unique Half-orc variants that Orcs parented with the other races to spice up your game, so you don’t have to play the one and only angry, green, hulking half-human Orc.
If you value beauty over brawn, you can be a Godlike who was co-parented by an Elf and fill the hearts of other people with envy. If you prefer to value your individuality over anything else, you can be a Hobni who is co-parented by a Hobgoblin and you can decide who you want to be, whenever you wish. If you wish to discard your mental stability to become a magical menace you can be an Anx who is co-parented by a Gnome and reign magical terror upon your enemies. If you wish to instill fear in the hearts of your enemies, you can be a Bogey who is co-parented by a Bugbear and let the terror pass over their consciousness.
You will find 5 very intricately designed classes in our book. Every class has unique mechanics designed to be in the center of their play styles.
When smaller species find it difficult to live in a world filled with people larger, stronger and more aggressive than themselves, individuals with higher aspirations can band together to form a bond that will make possible what is impossible for each of them to achieve: Be stronger. You can play as three such individuals, each weaker than a regular character, but when together they can be as potent as a regular character.
The Pack is suited for people who want to play more than one small character (packlings) who act together, share their health and soul and bring down mighty foes together; but lack the power and abilities individually that would make them adequate enough. They have to stay and slay together to thrive. As their bond gets stronger, they can call a leader to bolster their ranks and achieve greater heights.
The Pack has a very unique edge that the optimizer players would love. It provides hundreds of different combinations for Packlings and Leaderlings.
The Pack’s unique mechanic is that it has three packling characters that can be easily controlled by either one player or multiple players. As your subclass you will get a leader packling that can be selected as the Bossling for a martial focus, Stalkerling for a more stealthy approach, and Casterling to bolster your pack mates and also allies to be more effective.
Races under constant war and strife between each other and within themselves need to have capable military leaders. While everyone can order people around, only a select few can do this within the flexibility and effectiveness of a Warchief. You can be on the front line, provide your allies aid and inspiration and be a formidable warrior yourself too.
The Warchief has various commands that they can employ in diverse situations to make a great difference in the front lines. The Warchief’s unique mechanic is their various commands that they can use depending on the situation at hand. They can use the commands that are in their repertoire as three entirely different approaches. They can use their commands for personal use, to fight more effectively themselves. They can use tactical commands that can provide mobility and positional advantages to their allies. Lastly they can even use inspirational commands to inspire their allies to survive stronger opponents and emerge victorious.
The Warchief can advance to their Paramount role of High Chief, who has more commands and uses them more effectively. A Master Hunter can lead hit-and-run squads more effectively. The Dread Lord can curse their enemies to raise as dread corpses as foot soldiers to fight alongside their allies when they are slain.
There are unforgivingly harsh places in the wilderness that even the less civilized people of the more civilized races don’t prefer to live. People can’t dream of finding a blacksmith to forge weapons or armor; they won’t find an inn to gain shelter from the elements even for one night; they will have to fight for their survival against other feral humanoids, monsters and even nature.
The Talon can craft weapons and armor for themselves from anything they can find; rocks, branches, bones, scraps of metal and even discarded items. They can eat almost anything they can find and have survival as the first goal in their lives. They develop special behaviors to maintain their effectiveness in their struggle and thrive.
You can be Ferocious Rival that can act as ferocious beasts to mimic nature so that you can also be a predator too; you can adopt the poisonous features of beasts as a Poisonous Defiler to incapacitate your foes to emerge victorious; or as a Devourer you can focus on gaining power from consuming your fallen foes and drawing their nature to empower you.
The Marauders are nimble and quick warriors who use their speed and momentum to bring down their foes. They use cruel tricks and tactics to slow down their enemies, while using their own strikes to maneuver more aptly.
The Marauder’s unique game mechanic lets them gain momentum from movement and attacks to advance their place in the initiative order and when they get on top of the initiative tracker, they gain additional attacks and abilities. Complemented with their debilitating Tactical Strikes, they will be a formidable foe that can wear down even the most durable enemies.
When you become a Bandit Legend, you hone your momentum and debilitating attacks to their full potential and bring down your enemies more effectively. If you prefer to be a treasure hunter, you might want to divine your way to magical and mundane treasures by being a Vault Robber. If your end goal is to raze your enemies’ camps to the ground and litter the streets with corpses, you want to select Raider as your subclass.
The Ancestral Shaman brings revering their ancestors to a whole new level. They can call on your ancestors to gain access to various schools of magic, summon their aspects and gain powers in spirit magic. They can use the souls of their enemies as a fuel source for their magic.
Ancestral Shaman’s unique design is in their spirit magic. They can empower themselves and their magic with the spirit of their ancestors or even the soul they forcefully rip from their fallen enemies. Alongside with the power they gain from their fallen enemies, they select a variety of ancestors that they can pay respects to, which in turn grants them access to various schools of magic thematically appropriate to the ancestor they revere.
When you choose to become a Spirit Bonded, you form an unbreakable bond with your ancestor’s spirit and can magically call on them to aid you in your endeavors. With Eidolon Summoner, you can summon the aspect of your ancestor to fight physically alongside you. If you become a Dwimmer Spinner, you focus on drawing power from the souls you drain from your fallen foes.
In addition to the subclasses provided with their own classes, included in this book are 6 more subclasses to use with core classes.
PHALANX SOLDIER (Fighter): Hobgoblins are one of the most prominent races that use the phalanx formation to its full effect. With this subclass, you’ll fight in concert with your allies and use your reach to its full potential.
DOOM BRINGER (Barbarian): Most of the Brutal Races are hesitant in the practice of dark as known as Necromancy. Their approach to Necromancy invokes fear, disgust, and of course respect toward the disciplines of this dreadful magic. Doom Bringers are among the rarest kinds of warriors who invoke necrotic energy from the core of their souls. Although they have no will to establish dominance over magical spells, they can combine their pure rage with their innate necrotic energy.
MENACING SLAYER (Ranger): If you want to slay your enemies effectively, you need them to lay down their weapons and flee. A Slayer uses fear to empower their hunts and kill their enemies.
THE DECEIVER PATRON (Warlock): A malicious being that despises civilization and harmony has powered your abilities to infiltrate and sow chaos among their ranks. Mimic any member of a society you infiltrate and deceive them until they destroy themselves.
CONFLICT DOMAIN (Cleric): War is just an aspect of Conflict. Your god has granted you with abilities to wage war in both battlefield and leadership. The conflict domain clerics lead the war effort in a balanced way.
SMUGGLER (Rogue): There are numerous Brutal Race members that live in cities and nations that they or other races own. In all of those cities and nations, there are certainly some unsavory figures that go around the rules and enforcers to provide illicit goods and services. Smugglers excel at maintaining stealth for their group while sacrificing more advanced fighting techniques.
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